Class 11 Physics Important questions for (2022 - 2023) Final Board Exam | All Chapters
Physical world & Measurement
1. Define dimensions
2. Dimensions of Physical Quantities
■ Applications of Dimensional analysis
■ Checking the correctness of a physical equation
■ Deriving a physical equation
3. Converting a physical quantity from one system of units to another
4. Errors- finding mean value, absolute error, relative error and percentage error of a given data .
5. Define Precision and Accuracy
6. Fundamental forces in nature
7. Measurement of distance using Parallax method
8. Finding errors in a physical quantity if percentage errors of its dependent variables are given
9. Define Significant Figures. Find the Significant Figures in a given measurement.
10. SI Units
11. Characteristics of a System of a units
1. Derive the three equations of motion graphically
2. Graphs
Position-time graph-
finding the speed of an object
Speed-time graph-
Finding acceleration of the object
Finding distance covered by the object
3. Derive the equation for distance covered in nth second
4. Derive the expression for the magnitude and direction of speed of an object moving in circular motion
5. Derive the expression for the magnitude and direction of acceleration of an object
moving in circular motion
6. Prove that a projectile projected at an angle e to the horizontal follows a parabolic path.
7. Derive the expression for (a) Time of Flight (b) Maximum Height Attained (c) Horizontal range
8. Prove that the horizontal range is same for two angles of projection and (90-0)
9. Triangle/ Parallelogram Law of Vector Addition-statement and analytical treatment
10. resolution of vector into two components
11. Dot Product of two vectors
12. Cross Product of two vectors
13. Condition for two vectors to be (i) Perpendicular (ii) Parallel
14. Finding unit vector
Laws of Motion
1. Statement of Newton's Laws of Motion. Examples in daily life.
2. Derive the relation F=ma from Newton's Second Law of Motion
3. Define Impulse. What is its SI unit?
4. Define momentum. What is its unit?
5. State and prove Impulse Momentum Theorem.
6. State the Law of conservation of linear momentum. Give examples.
7. Derive the condition for Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces.
8. State the Laws of Limiting Friction.
9. Expression for velocity of a vehicle on a level circular road.
10. Define Banking. Why is it done? Expression for velocity of a vehicle on a banked circular road.
11. Relation between KE and Momentum-Numericals.
Work, Energy and Power
1. Define work. What is its SI unit? Give 2 examples each of positive, negative and zero
2. Derive the expression for KE of a body of mass m moving with velocity v.
3. State and prove Work-Energy Theorem.
4. Derive the expression for Gravitational Potential Energy.
5. Derive the expression for Elastic Potential Energy.
6. Define conservative and non-conservative forces. Give examples of each type.
7. Discuss elastic collision in one dimension. All cases.
8. Discuss elastic collision in one dimension
9. Motion in a vertical circle.
Motion of System of particles and Rigid Body
1. Define centre of mass. Derive an expression fo rthe centre of mass of a two particle system.
2. Define moment of inertia. On what factors does it depend? Learn the MI of regular bodies.
3. State Theorem of Perpendicular/Parallel Axes.
4. Applications of theorems for finding MI.
5. Derive relation between Torque and Moment of Inertia.
6. Derive relation between Torque and Angular momentum.
7. Derive relation between Angular momentum, and Moment of Inertia and angular velocity.
8. Derive the expression for rotational Kinetic energy.
9. Define Radius of Gyration. On factors does it depend? Expression for Radius of Gyration.
10. State the Law of conservation of angular momentum. Examples and their explanations.
11. Comparison of Linear and Rotational Motions.
1. State Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation.
2. Derive the relation between G and g.
3. Discuss variation of acceleration due to gravity with (a) altitude (b) depth
4. Define orbital velocity. Derive its expression.
5. Define escape velocity. Derive its expression.
6. What is a Geostationary satellite?
7. Derive relation between escape velocity and orbital velocity.
8. State Kepler's laws of Planetary motion.
9. Proof of 1st and 2nd Kepler's laws.
Properties of Bulk Marter
1. Define-(a)stress
a. (b) Strain
b. (c) Young's Modulus of Rigidity
c. (d) Bulk Modulus
d. (e) Modulus of Rigidity
e. (f) Poisson's ratio
2. Draw stress strain curve for an elastic material. mark the following points on the graph
(i) Permanent set(i) Elastic limit
(iii) Yield point
3. Give applications of elasticity
4. State Pascal's Law.
5. Applications of Pascal's Law-construction, diagram, working
6. Define Viscosity. Define coefficient of viscosity.
7. State and prove Stokes Law
8. Define Terminal velocity. Expression for Terminal velocity.
9. Reynolds Number. Its importance.
10. Streamline and Turbulent flow.
11. State and prove Bernoulli's Theorem.
12. Surface Tension-definition. Expression. Applications.
13. Expression for excess pressure inside a soap bubble/air bubble.
14. Capillarity-definition and applications.
15. Derive Ascent formula.
linear/superficial/ cubical expansion.
17. Anomalous expansion of water.
18. Variation of density with temperature.
19. Relation between C, and C. Why is Cp> Cv?
20. Heat transfer- Conduction, Convection and Radiation- Definitions and applications.
21. State (a) Stefan's Law
(b) Wien's Displacement Law
(c) Newton's Law of cooling
1. Define (a) Heat
a. (b) Temperature
b. (c) Thermal Equilibrium
2. State Zeroth/ First/Second Law of Thermodynamics
3. First Law of Thermodynamics applied to various processes.
4. Heat Engine-Diagram, construction and working. Efficiency of the Heat Engine.
5. Refrigerator-Diagram, construction and working. Coefficient of performance of the
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
1. Kinetic Theory of Gas-assumptions
2. Derive the expression for pressure exerted by an ideal gas.
3. Relation between KE and temperature.
4. Define absolute temperature.
5. Degrees of Freedom- definition and degree of freedom of monoatomic, diatomic, triatomic, etc gases.
6. Law of Equipartition of energy-statement.
7. Its application to find Cp,C, and Y of gases.
8. Mean Free Path- definition and factors on which it depends.
9. Avogadro's number.
Oscillations and waves
1. Define SHM and examples
2. Velocity, acceleration, KE, PE and Total Energy of a Simple Harmonic oscillator
3. Time Period of (a) Simple Pendulum
(b) Loaded Spring.
4. Definitions-Free/Forced/Damped/Maintained oscillation, Resonance- examples.
5. Wave Equation- Find particle displacement, velocity, acceleration.
6. State Superposition Principle
7. Discus the formation of standing waves normal modes of vibrations for the following
(a)Stretched string fixed at both ends
(b) Open Pipe
(c) Closed Pipe
8. Beats- find Beat frequency.
9. Applications of beats.
10.Doppler effect - expression for apparent frequency for -
(a) When Source move towards/ away from the observer.
(b) When observer moves towards/away from the source.
(c) When Source and observer both are moving.
11. Applications of Doppler effect
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